
Current research shows the benefits of regular meditation or mindfulness practices for overall well-being. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any new wellness program. Working through personal issues may trigger intense emotions and memories; if this happens and you need assistance in addressing them, please contact us for an individual consultation or seek guidance from a counselor.

Gardensofmeditation.com does not claim to improve health or well-being and is not responsible for any actions taken directly or indirectly based on the videos.

This disclaimer applies to all class formats and website content presented in any form (text, audio, sign language for individuals with hearing impairments, Braille for individuals who are blind, or any other language or form of information and communication), whether free or purchased.

(References: Frank & Frank, 1991; Goleman, 2003; Jonas & Levin, 1999; Mason, 2001; Rapgay, 1996; Richards, 2002; Silananda, 2002; Spiro, 1998)